Wow, it was a beautiful wedding. I loved it.
From watching Tim and Joy do cookies in the yard in Dad's Mustang all the way to them driving away, it was a blessed evening. It was one of those "Can you feel the love tonight" (are you singing) moments.
I will give you some of my highlights: watching all the children come down the aisle - let's see 12 total, Joy's 11 nieces and nephews and Grant's 1,
But boy was I tired. Life doesn't slow down for you just because you are tired though.
I had my wisdom teeth taken out last Thursday, which hasn't been too bad. Nothing like I feared. When I went for my consultation with the oral surgeon they made me watch a video, which the theme of went something like this . . . TAKE YOUR WISDOM TEETH ABOUT BEFORE YOU ARE 25 OR ELSE TERRIBLE THINGS WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR MOUTH. bwah, hahaha. Now, I know that most of you are shocked to know that in fact I am 25 and have been for more than a year or two. So, I questioned why they made me watch the video and prepared for the day with some trepidation (wow - that is a good word here, every once in a while I do use that education). I am sore and glad for some those 800 mg ibuprofen, but am doing okay. I have a great husband who is patient and helpful. My mom also took the kids the whole day on Thursday and then my sweet friend Natalie had them all day Friday. Don't know how people make it in life without some extra hands to back them up.
So tomorrow will be Curtis and I's 8th year anniversary. Does that make it our STAR anniversary - 8 years on the 8th? Can you believe it? I have been blessed to be legally and spiritually bound to this man for the last 8 years. Wow, time has really flown. I can honestly say that I love him more today than I did in 2002. I find him funny and charming, and cute. He is an awesome dad and a great husband. God did direct the path that put us together, there isn't anyone on Earth better for me than Curtis. Ask around, there are people who will tell you. Oh, yes, Curtis and Bek - no one else could put up with her. He is a saint :) Love that man. I am so blessed that he chose me.
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