Thursday, April 23, 2009

Shiner #4

Good News today!! No craniotomy!!

I don't remember if I told you that was a possibility, a long shot, but it had been mentioned more than once. Scary stuff. I tried not to think about it, long shot, it would be a long shot Bek, don't worry about a long shot, focus on the sure things, he has a fracture - it should heal, no long shot to think of. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Such is life. Enough of my inner ramblings.

So, we went to the U and were told again how unusual this fracture is. :) Basically it is at the roof (at the back) of the eye socket and the floor of the brain. So a tricky place to get to. There is a piece of bone that is pointing into the eye socket, that is the concern. The other fracture is just a fracture, but this one is weird. The main concern is how it is and will affect his vision. Right now there is no problem with his vision, but his eye lid is a little lower. They don't know if that is due to the swelling or to the fractured piece of bone which is sticking into the muscle that controls the lid of the eye. If it is the fracture, we will just have to watch it to make sure that it doesn't begin to impede his vision as it heals and he grows. The other issue is that due to the proximity to the brain this fractured bone could have or may (in the right circumstance) puncture the membrane around the brain. This in itself is not huge, it will heal itself and as long as fluid is not leaking out it isn't a huge deal. The issue is infection, an infection could cause meningitis. YIKES. We were told all the warning signs of meningitis and told that if anything seemed even a little off we were to call the doctor immediately. They put Michael on an antibiotic to help prevent any infection. Again this is a long shot, but we are glad to know to be watchful and that he is on something to help prevent it.

We were both encouraged, thankful that we went to the U, and felt like our prayers had been answered. No surgery and no big risks as he grows. We know how blessed we are to have two healthy children. This fracture is small compared with what many endure. Knowing that losing or having challenges with vision is not easy or wanted, we didn't feel his life was at risk. Keeping Michael and doing our best to help him grow into the person that God wants him to be is the gift and blessing, his being able to see is an extra blessing.

I think too many times we loose sight of the big picture and we think that this is as bad as it can get and fall into despair and worry about lifestyle, but don't find the blessing in life. We, our family, know all too well how fleeting life is and try to keep our eye on that. Don't get me wrong, I prayed that everything would be okay and I stewed some about the outcome of all these appointments, but I really tried to keep my perspective. Sometimes it is hard, but I try not to buy a house in that neighborhood, I just get lost there and drive around a bit. Michael loosing his sight or needing surgery would be bad, but loosing Michael would be much worse. I really try to see the bigger picture and focus on God's plan for us all. I am not sure what the plan was here, but when I need to know I will.

Count your blessings, name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God hath done! Count your blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

1 comment:

Michelle Burger said...

We have been saying this on the Beekman side alot lately -- not sure why this has happened, but I am sure God has a plan. You know they say things come in 3's and when Mom broke her ankle I had said that Curt started it with his finger in November, but maybe that didn't count... Hopefully this trend stops soon!

I am so happy Michael is going to be okay. By looking at his smile, he doesn't look too traumatized. Take care and stay safe!