Good News today!! No craniotomy!!
I don't remember if I told you that was a possibility, a long shot, but it had been mentioned more than once. Scary stuff. I tried not to think about it, long shot, it would be a long shot Bek, don't worry about a long shot, focus on the sure things, he has a fracture - it should heal, no long shot to think of. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Such is life. Enough of my inner ramblings.
So, we went to the U and were told again how unusual this fracture is. :) Basically it is at the roof (at the back) of the eye socket and the floor of the brain. So a tricky place to get to. There is a piece of bone that is pointing into the eye socket, that is the concern. The other fracture is just a fracture, but this one is weird. The main concern is how it is and will affect his vision. Right now there is no problem with his vision, but his eye lid is a little lower. They don't know if that is due to the swelling or to the fractured piece of bone which is sticking into the muscle that controls the lid of the eye. If it is the fracture, we will just have to watch it to make sure that it doesn't begin to impede his vision as it heals and he grows. The other issue is that due to the proximity to the brain this fractured bone could have or may (in the right circumstance) puncture the membrane around the brain. This in itself is not huge, it will heal itself and as long as fluid is not leaking out it isn't a huge deal. The issue is infection, an infection could cause meningitis. YIKES. We were told all the warning signs of meningitis and told that if anything seemed even a little off we were to call the doctor immediately. They put Michael on an antibiotic to help prevent any infection. Again this is a long shot, but we are glad to know to be watchful and that he is on something to help prevent it.
We were both encouraged, thankful that we went to the U, and felt like our prayers had been answered. No surgery and no big risks as he grows. We know how blessed we are to have two healthy children. This fracture is small compared with what many endure. Knowing that losing or having challenges with vision is not easy or wanted, we didn't feel his life was at risk. Keeping Michael and doing our best to help him grow into the person that God wants him to be is the gift and blessing, his being able to see is an extra blessing.
I think too many times we loose sight of the big picture and we think that this is as bad as it can get and fall into despair and worry about lifestyle, but don't find the blessing in life. We, our family, know all too well how fleeting life is and try to keep our eye on that. Don't get me wrong, I prayed that everything would be okay and I stewed some about the outcome of all these appointments, but I really tried to keep my perspective. Sometimes it is hard, but I try not to buy a house in that neighborhood, I just get lost there and drive around a bit. Michael loosing his sight or needing surgery would be bad, but loosing Michael would be much worse. I really try to see the bigger picture and focus on God's plan for us all. I am not sure what the plan was here, but when I need to know I will.
Count your blessings, name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God hath done! Count your blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Basically this is my life, a busy mom who is just trying to get the laundry done.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Shiner #3
The short of it: We are going to Iowa City tomorrow to see a specialist.
The long version: Today Michael had his 4 year check up, scheduled long before everything else. Everything went well there. He is growing and all the things that are supposed to be positive or negative were. The doctor was a bit concerned about his eye, evidently this is a very unusual fracture - no one seems to have seen anything like this before. Lucky us. He thought that seeing a pediatric opthimologist at the U would be the best bet, but we already had an appointment here, so we went ahead and went with the plan we had made on Tuesday after the ENT, but promised to call after the appointment.
The opthimologist who told us that everything seemed okay and that it should heal fine, but we should come back in a month to re-check his eye. We then called the pediatrician to tell him the update, and he wanted to call the U and talk with the doctor up there to see what they thought. They decided that we should come up and make sure that all is well and go from there. We are praying that the 3rd opinion will be like the first 2, nothing that can really be done, the risks outweigh the rewards, and it should heal fine with no vision issues due to this fracture.
I have become that mother who bribes her children. Today we have had a donut, chocolate milk, and chocolate ice cream. Not a normal day for us, but it just seems like after all of this you need a treat. I need a treat - anyone have a 2 liter of Diet Pepsi, for this tired Mommy after she puts Mr. Black Eye down for the night. "I need a cold one on the rocks and keep it coming."
Is a 5:30 bedtime too early?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Shiner 2
I thought I should update after the blabbering I did yesterday, so here is the news. We went to the ENT doctor this morning. I was told to call them first thing, so I did at 8:15 and they wanted me there by 9. There was no way. We live 20 minutes away and were all still in pj's, no breakfast, and I was hoping to get a shower. We aren't one of those morning houses, I don't think that my body or mind realize that they are in fact awake until they have been going for an hour. They insisted that they needed us first thing, so I told them I could be there by 9:30. We rushed around to get everything done, I prayed that I smelled better than I felt, and we made it. Only to have to wait until after 11 to see the doctor. I would have had time for a bubble bath and a real breakfast - oh well, roll with it.
After examining Michael the doctor referred us to another doctor. He has a fracture in the back of the eye socket (between the brain and the eye ball) that is sticking out into the eye socket. Evidently this is really unusual so everyone in the area needs to see it. It isn't large and he didn't think that it would be advantagous (wow big word for this tired mom) to fix it, but he wanted to make sure that they eyeball doctor agreed. So tomorrow we will see an opthamologist to see if the fracture will endanger his eyeball. We are praying that this will be our last visit, but were told that it may be necessary for us to visit another specialist, a pediatric opthamologist. We will know more tomorrow.
Here is a funny tidbit that happened while we waited. We were wandering the hospital and some nurses were pushing a patient on a bed down the hallway, nothing too exciting. We stepped into a doorway so they would have plenty of room and when they were getting close Michael said, "Mom, what's with the dead guy." Now this was loud enough for the nurses to hear and thankfully it looked like the "dead guy" was out of it enough to not hear the comment. Both Curtis and I were shocked and trying to shut that sweet little mouth with things like (do you detect my sarcasm), oh he is just tired, or it looks like he has had a rough day, and he isn't dead. But there was no disuading (wow another 50 cent word) him and he kept talking. But he looks dead, I really think he is dead . . . my insides are screaming why can't we shut him up. The nurses hearing all of this start giggling and I heard them laughing and talking about it until I couldn't hear them any more. It is so hard not to laugh at these moments, but they are so embarrassing.
My mother would probably tell you that this is my just reward, but that can't possibly be true. Just another Michael moment to add to my list. I love that boy. What fun it is to be able to laugh with and at your children.
After examining Michael the doctor referred us to another doctor. He has a fracture in the back of the eye socket (between the brain and the eye ball) that is sticking out into the eye socket. Evidently this is really unusual so everyone in the area needs to see it. It isn't large and he didn't think that it would be advantagous (wow big word for this tired mom) to fix it, but he wanted to make sure that they eyeball doctor agreed. So tomorrow we will see an opthamologist to see if the fracture will endanger his eyeball. We are praying that this will be our last visit, but were told that it may be necessary for us to visit another specialist, a pediatric opthamologist. We will know more tomorrow.
Here is a funny tidbit that happened while we waited. We were wandering the hospital and some nurses were pushing a patient on a bed down the hallway, nothing too exciting. We stepped into a doorway so they would have plenty of room and when they were getting close Michael said, "Mom, what's with the dead guy." Now this was loud enough for the nurses to hear and thankfully it looked like the "dead guy" was out of it enough to not hear the comment. Both Curtis and I were shocked and trying to shut that sweet little mouth with things like (do you detect my sarcasm), oh he is just tired, or it looks like he has had a rough day, and he isn't dead. But there was no disuading (wow another 50 cent word) him and he kept talking. But he looks dead, I really think he is dead . . . my insides are screaming why can't we shut him up. The nurses hearing all of this start giggling and I heard them laughing and talking about it until I couldn't hear them any more. It is so hard not to laugh at these moments, but they are so embarrassing.
My mother would probably tell you that this is my just reward, but that can't possibly be true. Just another Michael moment to add to my list. I love that boy. What fun it is to be able to laugh with and at your children.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Okay so here is the story:
We traveled to Wisconsin this weekend to visit Curtis's parents and check out the new house (great by the way). We stopped in Madison for dinner and everything was normal. Adah was almost done with dinner, so I said I would stay with her in Culver's (shocking that we would stop there, I know) while she finished and Curtis could go take Scout on a bit of a walk to do what dogs need to do - go to the bathroom. Of course Michael wanted to go with his dad, he is Curtis's shadow. :) No problem I will meet you at the van in a few minutes, we will be in Waupon before dark. That was the plan, funny how plans change.
I was waiting by the van when I got a call from Curtis, "Something terrible has happened", doesn't that strike fear into your heart. I could hear Michael crying and I thought that something had happened to Scout, but Curt told me that Michael was hurt and he didn't know what to do, he told me where they where and Adah and I started moving toward the wails. I thought that it was a normal fall, "Oh buddy, where does it hurt, can I kiss it, do you want me to sing you a song . . . " you know the normal mom stuff. But when I got there, there was no consoling him. Curtis was like, "What do we do?" I told him to take Scout and head to the van and come back to get me and the kiddos. Hoping all the while that Michael would be calm when he returned and I could figure out what had happened. Not the case, Michael just wouldn't calm down, I could see the road rash on his face, but he couldn't stop crying long enough to explain what had happened, so I just held him and waited for Curtis. It didn't take long for him to return, but it was clear that Michael wasn't quite right, his eyes looked glassy or something and he was pale so we decided to head to the emergency room. YIKES!!
In the van I finally got some answers to what had happened, Curtis was picking up the present Scout left on the walk and Michael got tangled in the leash, then Scout (playing with Michael) ran the other way straightening the leash with Michael in it, that flipped him out and head first onto the asphalt. Driving to the ER I was just trying to keep him awake, somewhere someone told me that you aren't supposed to let head injury people go to sleep, and I didn't, but it was a fight. He just continued to cry and then he would say things like "I just can't take it" breaking my heart. I could almost see his eye swelling shut. Adah was just stunned silent through the whole ride. When we arrived at the ER I took Michael in while Curtis parked, there was no one else in there, amazingly enough. I think it was a God thing, to save my sanity and Curtis's hurting heart. They took him right in and after doing his vitals and getting an idea of what had happened, they let him fall asleep on my chest while he played with my hair and I sang to him.
Fairly quickly they decided a cat scan was the next course of action to ensure no big problems. He completely freaked out at the idea of having his "picture taken in a space ship". Not sure why we do that kind of thing to our children. I don't know that I want to have my picture taken in a space ship. After several excruciating minutes trying to get that "picture" taken, we decided a sedative was a great idea. A little good stuff and 5 minutes later, a completely different visit to the cat scan. We were given our results that night, everything looked okay just watch him and if anything is weird take him to the doctor and get him checked out again.
Finally we arrived in Waupon after midnight, tired and ready to drop. Michael woke up around 6:00 and needed to go to the bathroom, having no idea what he would look like. I asked if he remembered anything from the night before and he said "I got tangled up with Scout and fell, but I didn't want to get my picture taken, that was a scary space ship." Good to know he remembered. He was so funny/shocked when he was himself in the mirror, "My eye, what is going on with my eye, I can't see it." It soaked in and we supplemented with Tylenol when it got achy, but we had a great weekend. The eye was puffy and scary looking, but he played and acted normal. We were out of the woods, everything was okay, this was just a really exciting story to tell and as you can imagine, everyone has asked.
So today was a pretty normal day, he didn't seem in much pain and we are seeing more and more of his eye, the swelling has really gone down. Then tonight around 6, before Curtis was home from work, a sheriff's deputy shows up at our door. I was a little worried as I answered the door and then he asked for Curtis, I told him he wasn't home yet. He asked who I was and I told him I was Rebekah, Curtis's wife. He then gave me an urgent message from the hospital in Madison Wisconsin. Curtis needed to call them right away about his 4 year old son. So now I am freaking out. I called Curtis and he called the hospital immediately. They told us to take Michael directly to the ER and have another cat scan, they had re-examined the scan from Friday and thought there may be a small bleed in his brain and a possible orbital fracture. Why I ask, didn't they call us instead of sending a deputy to my house with no info to freak me out. Not to complain or anything, but really, do you know the thoughts that were running through my brain.
Off to the ER again, this time we were able to get Michael to do the cat scan without medication, it took some talking and a promise of Perky Bear Pancakes at Perkins afterward, but he did it. So now the results, no brain bleed, THANK YOU LORD!! but he does have an orbital (eye socket) fracture. So tomorrow we call the ENT and get Michael checked out by him to determine if surgery is needed. The ER doctor thought it was unlikely but with all the swelling it is hard to know for sure. We will know soon, but the prayer is no surgery.
Long story long (I was about to say short, but really this is long, really long, it is late and I ramble - sorry) we have met our deductible already this year.
We traveled to Wisconsin this weekend to visit Curtis's parents and check out the new house (great by the way). We stopped in Madison for dinner and everything was normal. Adah was almost done with dinner, so I said I would stay with her in Culver's (shocking that we would stop there, I know) while she finished and Curtis could go take Scout on a bit of a walk to do what dogs need to do - go to the bathroom. Of course Michael wanted to go with his dad, he is Curtis's shadow. :) No problem I will meet you at the van in a few minutes, we will be in Waupon before dark. That was the plan, funny how plans change.
I was waiting by the van when I got a call from Curtis, "Something terrible has happened", doesn't that strike fear into your heart. I could hear Michael crying and I thought that something had happened to Scout, but Curt told me that Michael was hurt and he didn't know what to do, he told me where they where and Adah and I started moving toward the wails. I thought that it was a normal fall, "Oh buddy, where does it hurt, can I kiss it, do you want me to sing you a song . . . " you know the normal mom stuff. But when I got there, there was no consoling him. Curtis was like, "What do we do?" I told him to take Scout and head to the van and come back to get me and the kiddos. Hoping all the while that Michael would be calm when he returned and I could figure out what had happened. Not the case, Michael just wouldn't calm down, I could see the road rash on his face, but he couldn't stop crying long enough to explain what had happened, so I just held him and waited for Curtis. It didn't take long for him to return, but it was clear that Michael wasn't quite right, his eyes looked glassy or something and he was pale so we decided to head to the emergency room. YIKES!!
In the van I finally got some answers to what had happened, Curtis was picking up the present Scout left on the walk and Michael got tangled in the leash, then Scout (playing with Michael) ran the other way straightening the leash with Michael in it, that flipped him out and head first onto the asphalt. Driving to the ER I was just trying to keep him awake, somewhere someone told me that you aren't supposed to let head injury people go to sleep, and I didn't, but it was a fight. He just continued to cry and then he would say things like "I just can't take it" breaking my heart. I could almost see his eye swelling shut. Adah was just stunned silent through the whole ride. When we arrived at the ER I took Michael in while Curtis parked, there was no one else in there, amazingly enough. I think it was a God thing, to save my sanity and Curtis's hurting heart. They took him right in and after doing his vitals and getting an idea of what had happened, they let him fall asleep on my chest while he played with my hair and I sang to him.
Fairly quickly they decided a cat scan was the next course of action to ensure no big problems. He completely freaked out at the idea of having his "picture taken in a space ship". Not sure why we do that kind of thing to our children. I don't know that I want to have my picture taken in a space ship. After several excruciating minutes trying to get that "picture" taken, we decided a sedative was a great idea. A little good stuff and 5 minutes later, a completely different visit to the cat scan. We were given our results that night, everything looked okay just watch him and if anything is weird take him to the doctor and get him checked out again.
Finally we arrived in Waupon after midnight, tired and ready to drop. Michael woke up around 6:00 and needed to go to the bathroom, having no idea what he would look like. I asked if he remembered anything from the night before and he said "I got tangled up with Scout and fell, but I didn't want to get my picture taken, that was a scary space ship." Good to know he remembered. He was so funny/shocked when he was himself in the mirror, "My eye, what is going on with my eye, I can't see it." It soaked in and we supplemented with Tylenol when it got achy, but we had a great weekend. The eye was puffy and scary looking, but he played and acted normal. We were out of the woods, everything was okay, this was just a really exciting story to tell and as you can imagine, everyone has asked.
So today was a pretty normal day, he didn't seem in much pain and we are seeing more and more of his eye, the swelling has really gone down. Then tonight around 6, before Curtis was home from work, a sheriff's deputy shows up at our door. I was a little worried as I answered the door and then he asked for Curtis, I told him he wasn't home yet. He asked who I was and I told him I was Rebekah, Curtis's wife. He then gave me an urgent message from the hospital in Madison Wisconsin. Curtis needed to call them right away about his 4 year old son. So now I am freaking out. I called Curtis and he called the hospital immediately. They told us to take Michael directly to the ER and have another cat scan, they had re-examined the scan from Friday and thought there may be a small bleed in his brain and a possible orbital fracture. Why I ask, didn't they call us instead of sending a deputy to my house with no info to freak me out. Not to complain or anything, but really, do you know the thoughts that were running through my brain.
Off to the ER again, this time we were able to get Michael to do the cat scan without medication, it took some talking and a promise of Perky Bear Pancakes at Perkins afterward, but he did it. So now the results, no brain bleed, THANK YOU LORD!! but he does have an orbital (eye socket) fracture. So tomorrow we call the ENT and get Michael checked out by him to determine if surgery is needed. The ER doctor thought it was unlikely but with all the swelling it is hard to know for sure. We will know soon, but the prayer is no surgery.
Long story long (I was about to say short, but really this is long, really long, it is late and I ramble - sorry) we have met our deductible already this year.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
So, I finally finished my last book, "Song of Erin". It took too long, not enough baths lately.
Some of you may not know that I love bubble baths and always have a bathtub book. Although the day that Real Simple comes in the mail I disappear for a bath. I have a great husband who is all for me disappearing for a long bath, aren't I blessed. There are times he comes looking for me, but usually only when it is nearly an hour or more. My sweet Curty, he is the best.
Back to the book, it is good, especially if you like historical fiction. Thanks Tim and Megan for getting me back into the escape of fiction, I needed it.
I am ready to start digging into those new books that have been patiently waiting for me. Here is the list:
So this is what I am going to read. Anyone want to join in on the fun? I think I am going to start with the organizing one, it is a must. I hate that I have to fake it and can't just live it. Wow, does that statement cover a multitude of issues or what? Yikes. So I am going to work through the "step-by-step guide to creating a system. . . "(back cover) I think that I will try to start on "Real Mom's . . . Real Jesus" too, as so many things come back to the spiritual. I will probably put off that monogamy book as long as I can, just knowing myself. (I am blushing, just thinking of it - PRUDE!!)
Some of you may not know that I love bubble baths and always have a bathtub book. Although the day that Real Simple comes in the mail I disappear for a bath. I have a great husband who is all for me disappearing for a long bath, aren't I blessed. There are times he comes looking for me, but usually only when it is nearly an hour or more. My sweet Curty, he is the best.
Back to the book, it is good, especially if you like historical fiction. Thanks Tim and Megan for getting me back into the escape of fiction, I needed it.
I am ready to start digging into those new books that have been patiently waiting for me. Here is the list:
- "The Complete Guide to Getting and Staying Organized" Karen Ehman - currently at the bottom of a stack of things I will get to soon (unless I hide them to pretend I am organized and together). I should start with this one. :)
- "Chief Home Officer" can't find it, Michael hid it, but think it is under the couch or in the toy room.
- "Real Mom's . . . Real Jesus" Jill Savage. Can't wait to get into this - the back cover says "examine key behaviors and decisions Jesus made . . . Jill brings those lessons right down to the tiring, laundry filled, sticky fingered days every mom knows"
- "Red Hot Monogamy" Bill and Pam Farrel - currently at the post office, waiting for me to pick it up. I am a little embarrassed, hope it is in a unmarked, plain envelope. The prude in me is screaming no, but my sweet Curty said, if you are going to this conference this is the workshop to attend. He said he was joking, but we all know that most of the things we joke about are based in reality. Is this an over share? Don't talk to me about it, I am mortified.
So this is what I am going to read. Anyone want to join in on the fun? I think I am going to start with the organizing one, it is a must. I hate that I have to fake it and can't just live it. Wow, does that statement cover a multitude of issues or what? Yikes. So I am going to work through the "step-by-step guide to creating a system. . . "(back cover) I think that I will try to start on "Real Mom's . . . Real Jesus" too, as so many things come back to the spiritual. I will probably put off that monogamy book as long as I can, just knowing myself. (I am blushing, just thinking of it - PRUDE!!)
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