Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Shaelynn's Article

Here is an article I wrote to promote two benefits that were held in our little town.  It explains a bit more of Shaelynn's story.  

February 15, 2007, the day after Valentine’s Day.  To most this was a normal Thursday, but to Andrew and Samantha Kelly this was the day that their life was turned upside down.  This was the day that they had to rush their precious 15 month old daughter Shaelynn to Henry County Health Center.  

Shaelynn Sue Kelly was born on November 2, 2005 to Andrew and Samantha (Stanley) Kelly of New London, Iowa.  She was a beautiful baby and looked exactly how a baby should, pink and round with all her fingers and toes.  She instantly stole her father’s heart and in a smile captivated her mother’s soul.  She passed all the normal milestones in life with gusto and with each day her personality developed.   Shaelynn is a girl who knows what she wants and stubbornly finds a way to get it.  She isn’t quick to smile, but shares them generously when she is delighted with her surroundings.  Shaelynn seems to approach life with a cautious optimism that makes those close to her watch with enthusiasm and amusement.  To say that this girl is loved is an understatement; she is completely adored without abandon by her extended family Jeff and Carol (Stanley) Lair and Julie Kelly grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and countless friends.  

On February 14 Shaelynn took a small tumble, not unusual to any one year old, but this time she didn’t seem to bounce back like all the other times before.  She slept more that afternoon than normal and seemed extra clingy to her mother.  Shaelynn continued to be lethargic through the next day and the doctor told Drew and Samantha that she should be taken to the emergency room to be checked out just to make sure that all was okay.  There was no expectation that it would be any more than this.  However, after a CT scan, it was revealed that Shaelynn had a mass in her brain that had been aggravated by her fall.  This mass had been there a while, but was in an unformed part of her brain so no symptoms were found.  A quick 22 minute helicopter ride to University Hospitals in Iowa City was next.  This was only the beginning of Shaelynn’s journey.  

The doctors were hopeful that the mass was not cancer, but on Monday February 19 after brain surgery it was found to be malignant, which means cancer for those of you fortunate enough to not have been impacted by this disease.  The following Wednesday a central line port was placed in her chest and chemo therapy began.  Chemo for a small child takes a long time to give, for Shaelynn it is a five day process.  She struggled with the treatment and everything that went with it and was not released from the hospital until Friday March 2.  Due to a fever the Kelly family returned to the University Hospitals on Saturday the 3rd and did not return home to New London again until March 7.  Thankfully Shaelynn was strong and healthy enough to remain at home until her next chemo treatment March 14.  This treatment was much easier on her little body and everything went according to schedule and the family returned home on March 17.  Shaelynn is home in New London awaiting her third treatment which is scheduled to begin on April 3.  She is doing well, but is highly susceptible to infection due to her low white blood count, a common side effect to her treatment.  

Peach fuzz has replaced her blonde hair and she has grown accustomed to being poked and attached to cords, but Shaelynn has the same smile and spirit.  She is using her stubborn nature to show all who know her how to move bravely forward in the face of unthinkable circumstances.  She continues to play, laugh, and enjoy her life as well as bringing delight to her parents.  Andrew and Samantha have allowed Shaelynn to have peace in this battle as they refuse to give up.  They are boldly looking at brain cancer as an obstacle to overcome and are not drowning in sorrow over the unanswerable question of “why”.  They are doing what they do best loving their child and stepping out in faith.  They are an example of courage under fire and are facing this struggle head on without feeling sorry for themselves or anger with God.  Drew and Sam believe that this is part of a bigger story.  It is occupying their lives right now, but is not the end.  There is more to life than a battle with cancer.  They are both determined to see Shaelynn grow up and go through all the same struggles and victories of every other child.  They believe in the power of prayer and the love of God to see them through whatever comes their way.  The Kelly family is clinging to a chapter in the Bible for strength, Psalm 77 you will understand why when you read it.  You will find their hope in verse 11, I shall remember the deeds of the Lord; Surely I will remember Your wonders of old 12 I will meditate on all Your work and muse on your deeds 13 your way, O God is holy; what god is great like our God.

There are two benefits being held to help offset the expenses incurred when a child is sick.  Please come and join those who want to show their support for Shaelynn and her family.  The first benefit is a family friendly event at Clark Elementary School in New London, Iowa on Saturday April 14.  The doors will open at 4:00 P.M.  A donation will get you a great spaghetti dinner and dessert.  There will be a live auction at 7:00 by Jerry Jones of Sullivan Auctions and a silent auction throughout the evening.  There will be games and activities for children from ages 2-12.  The second benefit is on Saturday April 28.  There will be a poker run from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (sign in at 10:00 a.m. at the VFW in New London) followed by a hog roast from 2:00 - 6:00.  There will also be a live auction at 3:00 by Richard Realty and Auction, the evening will wrap up with entertainment beginning at 6:00 by Just Push Play.  There will also be raffles throughout the afternoon; tickets can be purchased at the VFW, 367-5009 or 367-5508.   

The Kelly’s would like to thank all that have supported them throughout this unexpected journey; their family both immediate and extended, the Harmony Bible Church family, great friends, caring strangers, and especially their employers at Hawkeye Group Inc. in Mediapolis and Henry County Health Center in Mount Pleasant, who have allowed them to be Shaelynn whenever she has needed them.  Without the prayers and support of these faithful people this daunting journey would seem impassable, but with God’s grace there is hope.

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