Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tonight was Michael's last pre-school conference.  Incredible.  Where has the time gone?  There are too many adjectives to describe my Michael.  He is just a fun and funny boy, I enjoy him daily.  I know I am his mom, but seriously, he is one of my favorite people.  There is just something about a kid who loves every minute of being a boy and brings in a dandelion bouquet with these words Mom, do you know why I bring you these pretty flowers?  Because I want to show you I love you.  He melts my heart while I work out the stains in his clothes and wonder how every pair of pants has hole's in the knees. 

My prayer with and for him will continue to be: Lord keep his heart soft and kind, make him a good friend who seeks the good in others, befriends many, help him to learn to work it out without using his gifts for selfishness, and help his inquisitive mind to continue to grow through all the questions he asks and all the details he remembers.  Help me be the mother he needs me to be in order for him to grow into the man God plans for him to be.

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