Friday, May 7, 2010


Okay, so it is 1:30, again.  Why do I always see the a.m. come across my clock?  I would like to be one of those early to bed early to rise people.  BUT, I am not. 

The house is quiet.  I procrastinated.  In my rush to finish and get to bed before the a.m. I have seen both of my sweet children.  Which only prolongs the length it takes to get anything done.  They seem to have a special alarm that triggers when mom is in a time crunch. 

BING!!! Now is the perfect time to have a nightmare, Mom is trying to get stuff done and would love the chance to hold me. 

Actually, it usually does happen at just the right time.  It really gives me the opportunity to evaluate where I am at with things.  What is important?  How much do I really NEED to do this?  How long will it take to get it done?  What can I not do and still be done?  All those things that in the business of finishing stuff up, I loose sight of.  Funny how you see the big picture after midnight.

Also funny, how my husband does not hear a child crying across the hall, but I can hear the same cry down the stairs on the opposite side of the house at my computer or cleaning the kitchen.  Men.  Gotta love them. 

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