Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Shiner 2

I thought I should update after the blabbering I did yesterday, so here is the news. We went to the ENT doctor this morning. I was told to call them first thing, so I did at 8:15 and they wanted me there by 9. There was no way. We live 20 minutes away and were all still in pj's, no breakfast, and I was hoping to get a shower. We aren't one of those morning houses, I don't think that my body or mind realize that they are in fact awake until they have been going for an hour. They insisted that they needed us first thing, so I told them I could be there by 9:30. We rushed around to get everything done, I prayed that I smelled better than I felt, and we made it. Only to have to wait until after 11 to see the doctor. I would have had time for a bubble bath and a real breakfast - oh well, roll with it.

After examining Michael the doctor referred us to another doctor. He has a fracture in the back of the eye socket (between the brain and the eye ball) that is sticking out into the eye socket. Evidently this is really unusual so everyone in the area needs to see it. It isn't large and he didn't think that it would be advantagous (wow big word for this tired mom) to fix it, but he wanted to make sure that they eyeball doctor agreed. So tomorrow we will see an opthamologist to see if the fracture will endanger his eyeball. We are praying that this will be our last visit, but were told that it may be necessary for us to visit another specialist, a pediatric opthamologist. We will know more tomorrow.

Here is a funny tidbit that happened while we waited. We were wandering the hospital and some nurses were pushing a patient on a bed down the hallway, nothing too exciting. We stepped into a doorway so they would have plenty of room and when they were getting close Michael said, "Mom, what's with the dead guy." Now this was loud enough for the nurses to hear and thankfully it looked like the "dead guy" was out of it enough to not hear the comment. Both Curtis and I were shocked and trying to shut that sweet little mouth with things like (do you detect my sarcasm), oh he is just tired, or it looks like he has had a rough day, and he isn't dead. But there was no disuading (wow another 50 cent word) him and he kept talking. But he looks dead, I really think he is dead . . . my insides are screaming why can't we shut him up. The nurses hearing all of this start giggling and I heard them laughing and talking about it until I couldn't hear them any more. It is so hard not to laugh at these moments, but they are so embarrassing.

My mother would probably tell you that this is my just reward, but that can't possibly be true. Just another Michael moment to add to my list. I love that boy. What fun it is to be able to laugh with and at your children.


shainapearce.com said...

Oh my GOSH! I love that kid! Too funny!

sarah marie said...

So glad Michael is okay!!! Let us know how the appointment with the eye doctor goes today...notice I didn't try and spell ophthalmologist the first time...spell check helped me that time. :)

BekaKay said...

I forgot to do spell check last night - hope I didn't really screw up any words - Sarah Renee will let me know. She loves to find my errors.