Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Laundry Miracle

Okay, so today I started my laundry. Of course I didn't finish it, I never finish it.

I wanted to tell about a new fun laundry thing I have that is actually helping me fold and organize as it comes out of the wash. I saw it at Menard's and had to have it, and Curtis actually let me get it. I know, I was shocked too. So it is a hanging rack that has 4 canvas pouches/basket things on it (I will try to take a picture of it and post it - my description is leaving something to be desired - sorry). So I can put things on hangers either to dry or as they come out so I can avoid the dreaded iron. Then the great part, each person has a basket, so I just fold whatever is coming out of the dryer and put it into that persons basket. It also is on wheels, so I can just drive it room to room and put everything away. The trick to making it work, I have been using it about a month, is to dedicate the time to laundry. You can't just throw a load in and then run an errand, come home take it out and go again. You have to actually take the time and commit to laundry, otherwise you will have what happened to me last week. A beautiful, yet empty laundry miracle next to a gigantic pile of clean clothes that took more than an hour to fold.

So what has happened to my life. I couldn't imagine a laundry miracle 10 years ago, but now I get visibly excited and babble about it to my friends. GET A LIFE REBEKAH - wait a minute, this is my life, and most days I love it. Especially if I have found a laundry miracle.

Have a great day!!

4 comments: said...

i just love you. hee hee. And I'm getting a laundry thingy. Is that it's official name?

Sarah said...

Would you come here and perform a laundry miracle? Love you!

hollieschuff said...

Ok, I have that laundry basket thingy and guess what I have had it almost a year and it's still in the box!!!! When will I figure it out, huh??

hilary.jones.smith said...

Ok, so did you ever post a picture? B/c I could really use a miracle in MY laundry room!