Just what we need, more electronics - not complaining, just ironic how we have gone from a not even a smart phone 2 years ago to a family with a screen for everyone (almost). A lot of eyes and minds to guard, keeps this mom on her toes. I do limit screen time - we are not a run it 'til the batteries dead house. I'm not perfect, but I try to pay attention :)
I didn't even know that he was participating in the contest - I guess that makes me a bad mom? but he brought no work home and never spoke of it. I usually only get details from his homeroom class, and rarely hear about anything else. I thought that it was cool, but not that huge. Then the information began to trickle in.
The region is 9 midwestern states and Canada.
The 24 chosen were from all age groups, there were only 5 other groups in his age range from across the country.
They were doing a commercial/promo for the Tornado Trasher that would air on local radio.
An assembly would be help for he an his partner with a Toshiba rep presenting him with the award.
They were interviewed, photographed, and ended up with an article in the paper.
The congratulations began to come in from people "in the know".
I was a little unsure of how to respond to all this.
On one hand, I was so happy for him and proud, I wanted to shout it and tell everyone I knew. But on the other, I didn't want it to be a "my kid is sooooo smart, talented, gifted, perfect" ... thing, that my friends and others would resent. You know who those people are, you don't read their Facebook posts either. He is my kid and I love him, but I know he is far from perfect and to be honest, I don't want him to be perfect. It's our imperfections that make us interesting. He is special in many ways, but so is everyone else.
So what is a mom to do?
I don't want this to be the high point of his education - he is only a third grader. I don't want him to feel that approval and pride are earned with big awards. But, I also don't want it blown over and not enjoyed. I am trying to strike a balance - but that is hard, when obviously I am proud and loving the thought of his success and adding another layer to figuring out who he is and what God has gifted him with. Don't get me wrong an all expense paid trip to Washington D.C. would be FABULOUS!! (Say it like Billy Crystal did in those old pop commercials - was it TAB?) I should be more excited about the possibility of the $$ than the trip right? But we have to get to the finals, before that becomes any kind of reality.
I'm just going to keep praying that I don't mess him up, too much, and enjoy this ride, wherever we go from here.
Dear Lord, Thank you for the opportunity. Thank you for the teachers and staff at our school who challenge students. Thank you for the originators of this contest who allow children a voice and an opportunity to dream big. Please help Michael as he participates in this contest to see it as it is: a gift and an opportunity to grow in knowledge and grace. He may loose, help him to be gracious. He may win, help him to be humble. Please allow this to help him uncover the God given strengths that you planned for and created before we even knew him. Allow this to be a step in becoming the man you want him to be, part of the plan you have for his life. Please help me know what to say and do as we journey through this season and the next together. I love this boy and am honored to be his mom, even if he would not have been chosen for this project or is ever "known" by the world around us again. Thank you for Michael. Thank you for who he is and who he is becoming. Please help me to love him well and teach him to love you. Help me hold onto him loosely so you can take him and use him. I can't wait to see what you do next Lord, not just in this contest (it's silly and little) but in the life of my son and in our family, I know it's all in your hands. In the name of your precious Son - AMEN